Mastering Yumi Sin and Kitty, A Comprehensive Guide to Handling the Snake and Cat Duo

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the realm of League of Legends, Yumi Sin and her loyal companion Kitty form a formidable duo, captivating players with their unique abilities and synergies. This guide delves into the intricacies of handling Yumi Sin’s snake and Kitty, empowering you to unlock their full potential and dominate the battlefield.

Yumi Sin’s snake, with its piercing attacks and crowd control, serves as a versatile weapon in her arsenal. Mastering its positioning and timing allows you to maximize its impact, while Kitty’s supportive abilities enhance Yumi Sin’s damage output and survivability.

Understanding the key synergies between them is crucial for exploiting their strengths and countering their weaknesses.

Yumi Sin’s Snake: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Yumi Sin’s snake is a versatile tool that enhances her combat capabilities. It serves as an extension of her attacks, enabling her to control the battlefield and outmaneuver opponents.

If you’re interested in attending the snake handling workshop, you can register online at the Los Angeles Mecconline website.

The snake possesses a sharp blade at its tip, dealing significant physical damage. Its swift and unpredictable movements allow Yumi Sin to execute precise strikes from various angles.

Positioning and Timing

Effective use of Yumi Sin’s snake requires precise positioning and timing. By controlling the snake’s trajectory, players can extend its range and strike at targets that would otherwise be out of reach.

Proper timing is crucial for maximizing damage output. The snake can be retracted and extended quickly, allowing for swift combos and follow-up attacks.

Combos and Synergies

Yumi Sin’s snake synergizes well with her other abilities. By combining it with her Q, she can engage and disengage fights effortlessly, while her W provides bonus damage and crowd control.

Additionally, the snake can be used to set up kills for allies or disrupt enemy formations, making it a valuable tool in team fights and ganks.

Kitty’s Role in Gameplay

Kitty is an integral part of Yumi Sin’s gameplay, providing her with unique abilities and synergies that enhance her overall effectiveness. Kitty’s primary ability is her “Tailwhip,” which deals damage and applies a slow effect to enemies. This ability is particularly useful for initiating fights, as it can catch enemies off guard and make them more vulnerable to Yumi Sin’s attacks.In

addition to her Tailwhip, Kitty also possesses a passive ability called “Unseen Predator,” which grants Yumi Sin bonus movement speed and attack damage when she is near an enemy that Kitty has marked. This ability synergizes well with Yumi Sin’s kit, as it allows her to quickly engage and disengage from fights while still dealing significant damage.

Positioning and Target Selection

To maximize Kitty’s effectiveness, it is important to position her carefully during fights. Kitty should be placed near enemies that Yumi Sin wants to focus on, as this will allow her to apply her Tailwhip and Unseen Predator effects. Additionally, Kitty should be protected from enemy damage, as she is relatively fragile and can easily be killed if she is not properly positioned.When

selecting targets for Kitty’s Tailwhip, it is important to prioritize enemies that are out of position or that have low mobility. This will allow Yumi Sin to quickly burst down these enemies and gain an advantage in fights. Kitty’s Tailwhip can also be used to interrupt enemy channeling abilities, which can be particularly effective against champions like Malzahar or Warwick.

The Dallas Mecconline is hosting a workshop on how to handle snakes. The workshop will cover the basics of snake handling, including how to safely approach and restrain a snake, how to identify different types of snakes, and how to prevent snake bites.

The workshop is open to all ages and skill levels.

Synergies between Yumi Sin and Kitty

Yumi Sin and Kitty are two champions in the game League of Legends that synergize well together due to their complementary abilities. Their combined attack speed bonuses, crowd control, and damage amplification can dominate team fights and secure objectives.

Attack Speed Bonuses

Yumi Sin’s passive ability, Gathering Storm, grants her bonus attack speed after casting an ability. This bonus is further amplified by Kitty’s W ability, Prowl, which grants nearby allies increased attack speed. By coordinating their abilities, Yumi Sin and Kitty can achieve a significant attack speed advantage, allowing them to quickly deal sustained damage to enemies.

In a recent interview with Dallas Mecconline , renowned snake handler Yumi Sin shared her insights on handling snakes safely and effectively. Sin emphasized the importance of proper technique, explaining that “knowing how to handle a snake is key to preventing bites and injuries.”

Her advice, which can be found in her latest article How to Handle His Snake, Yumi Sin, and Fit Kitty , is essential reading for anyone who interacts with snakes.

Crowd Control

Kitty’s E ability, Pounce, allows her to jump to an enemy, stunning them for a short duration. This crowd control can be used to interrupt enemy abilities, set up kills, or simply peel for Yumi Sin. Additionally, Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability, Final Hour, can knock up nearby enemies, providing additional crowd control and damage amplification.

Damage Amplification

Yumi Sin’s W ability, Wind Slash, deals damage to enemies in a line and grants bonus damage to the next three basic attacks. This bonus damage is amplified by Kitty’s Q ability, Razor Claws, which grants nearby allies bonus damage on their basic attacks.

By combining these abilities, Yumi Sin and Kitty can deal significant burst damage to enemy targets.

Countering Yumi Sin and Kitty

Despite their strengths, Yumi Sin and Kitty possess exploitable weaknesses that astute players can leverage to gain an advantage. One notable vulnerability is their susceptibility to burst damage. Yumi Sin’s relatively low health pool and Kitty’s lack of defensive abilities make them prime targets for champions with high burst potential.

Champion Picks

When countering Yumi Sin and Kitty, consider champion picks with strong burst damage capabilities. Assassins such as Zed, Talon, and Kha’Zix excel at eliminating Yumi Sin swiftly, while mages like Syndra, Ahri, and Veigar can burst down both Yumi Sin and Kitty with their powerful abilities.

Item Builds

In addition to champion selection, item builds can also enhance your ability to counter Yumi Sin and Kitty. Items that provide crowd control, such as Rylai’s Crystal Scepter or Frozen Heart, can hinder their mobility and disrupt their ultimate abilities.

Additionally, items that amplify burst damage, like Luden’s Tempest or Rabadon’s Deathcap, can increase your chances of eliminating them quickly.


Beyond champion picks and item builds, employing specific tactics can further enhance your ability to counter Yumi Sin and Kitty. Prioritizing objectives over kills can prevent them from snowballing, while warding key areas and maintaining vision control can limit their ability to roam and ambush.

Furthermore, focusing on isolating Yumi Sin from Kitty can make them more vulnerable to ganks and skirmishes.

Item Builds for Yumi Sin and Kitty

Item Build for Yumi SinTo enhance Yumi Sin’s damage output and capitalize on her snake’s abilities, the following item build is recommended:

  • -*Nashor’s Tooth

    Grants attack speed, ability power, and on-hit damage, synergizing well with Yumi Sin’s auto attacks and snake venom.

  • -*Riftmaker

    Provides ability power, health, and omnivamp, allowing Yumi Sin to sustain herself in extended fights.

  • -*Cosmic Drive

    Offers ability haste, movement speed, and health, enhancing Yumi Sin’s mobility and burst potential.

  • -*Zhonya’s Hourglass

    A defensive item that grants armor, ability power, and an active ability to make Yumi Sin invulnerable for a short duration.

  • -*Deathcap

    Increases Yumi Sin’s ability power significantly, amplifying her damage output.

Item Build for KittyTo maximize Kitty’s utility and damage output, consider the following item build:

  • -*Moonstone Renewer

    If you’re interested in learning more about snake handling, the Mecconline has a number of resources available. You can find articles on snake handling, as well as videos and tutorials. The Mecconline also offers a snake handling course that can teach you the basics of snake handling in a safe and controlled environment.

    Grants ability power, ability haste, and a passive that heals nearby allies when Kitty casts abilities.

  • -*Staff of Flowing Water

    Provides ability power, ability haste, and a passive that increases healing and shielding effects on allies.

  • -*Ardent Censer

    Offers ability power, attack speed, and a passive that grants attack speed and on-hit damage to nearby allies.

  • -*Chemtech Putrifier

    Grants ability power, ability haste, and a passive that reduces healing on enemy champions hit by Kitty’s abilities.

  • -*Rabadon’s Deathcap

    Increases Kitty’s ability power significantly, enhancing her healing and damage output.

Runes for Yumi Sin and Kitty

Optimizing the rune choices for Yumi Sin and her loyal feline companion, Kitty, is crucial for maximizing their synergy and overall performance in the League of Legends. By selecting runes that enhance Yumi Sin’s snake abilities and Kitty’s support capabilities, players can unlock the full potential of this unique duo.

Yumi Sin’s Runes

For Yumi Sin, runes that enhance her snake’s damage and utility are ideal. The following runes are recommended:

  • Summon Aery:This keystone rune grants Yumi Sin additional damage on her snake’s auto-attacks and abilities, increasing her poke potential and damage output.
  • Manaflow Band:This rune provides Yumi Sin with additional mana, allowing her to cast more spells and sustain in lane.
  • Transcendence:This rune reduces Yumi Sin’s ability cooldowns, enabling her to cast her snake’s abilities more frequently.
  • Scorch:This rune deals additional damage on Yumi Sin’s snake’s auto-attacks, further enhancing her poke potential.

Kitty’s Runes

Kitty, as a support champion, benefits from runes that enhance her shielding and healing capabilities. The following runes are recommended:

  • Guardian:This keystone rune provides Kitty with a shield for her allies, protecting them from enemy damage.
  • Font of Life:This rune heals nearby allies when Kitty heals Yumi Sin, increasing her sustain and support capabilities.
  • Bone Plating:This rune grants Kitty additional armor, making her more durable and resistant to enemy poke.
  • Unflinching:This rune reduces the duration of crowd control effects on Kitty, allowing her to better protect Yumi Sin.

Skill Leveling Order for Yumi Sin and Kitty

Determining the optimal skill leveling order for Yumi Sin and Kitty is crucial to maximize their effectiveness in gameplay. By prioritizing abilities that enhance their synergy and overall damage output, players can gain a significant advantage in battles.

Yumi Sin’s Skill Leveling Order

For Yumi Sin, the recommended skill leveling order is as follows:

  • -*Q (Piercing Arrow)

    This ability provides consistent damage and range, making it ideal for early game poke and farming.

  • -*E (Tempered Steel)

    Empowers Yumi Sin’s auto-attacks, increasing her overall damage output.

  • -*W (Wind Wall)

    This defensive ability blocks projectiles and enhances her survivability.

  • -*R (Final Hour)

    Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability deals significant damage to multiple enemies and enhances her other abilities.

Kitty’s Skill Leveling Order

Kitty’s skill leveling order should focus on enhancing her utility and synergy with Yumi Sin:

  • -*W (Heal)

    This ability provides crucial sustain for Yumi Sin and allows her to engage in extended fights.

  • -*E (Pounce)

    Kitty’s mobility tool, allowing her to reposition herself and engage or disengage from battles.

    If you’re looking for a more hands-on experience, the Cook Mecconline is hosting a snake handling workshop on March 18th. The workshop will be led by experienced snake handlers and will cover the basics of snake handling, including how to safely approach and restrain a snake, how to identify different types of snakes, and how to prevent snake bites.

  • -*Q (Boomerang Blade)

    Deals damage to multiple enemies and applies a slow, setting up kills for Yumi Sin.

  • -*R (Charm)

    Kitty’s ultimate ability stuns multiple enemies, providing a window of opportunity for Yumi Sin to unleash her damage.

Combos and Strategies

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin and Kitty’s synergy grants them a wide array of effective combos that can dominate team fights and skirmishes. Their combined abilities allow for a versatile playstyle that can adapt to different situations.

Basic Combos

  • Q + AA + E:This combo is a quick and easy way to proc Yumi Sin’s passive, dealing bonus damage and healing Kitty.
  • W + Q + AA:This combo allows Kitty to deal damage while Yumi Sin applies her passive and heals herself.
  • E + W + Q:This combo is useful for engaging or escaping, as Kitty’s shield protects Yumi Sin from damage while she deals damage with her abilities.

Advanced Combos, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

  • R + Flash + E:This combo allows Yumi Sin to surprise opponents with a long-range engage, followed by a quick heal from Kitty.
  • W + Flash + Q + AA:This combo is a great way to secure a kill on a low-health target, as Kitty’s shield protects Yumi Sin from retaliation damage.
  • R + W + E + Q + AA:This combo is a devastating all-in combo that can quickly burst down enemy champions.

Positioning and Target Selection

When executing combos with Yumi Sin and Kitty, positioning is crucial. Yumi Sin should stay close to Kitty to benefit from her shield and healing. Kitty should focus on protecting Yumi Sin from damage and disrupting enemy abilities with her W.

Target selection is also important, as Yumi Sin’s damage output is heavily reliant on her passive. Prioritizing high-value targets like enemy carries or squishy champions will maximize her effectiveness.

Advanced Techniques

Yumi Sin and Kitty are a unique duo that requires mastery of advanced techniques to fully utilize their potential. Wave management, jungle pathing, and objective control are crucial for maximizing their effectiveness in the game.

Wave management involves controlling the minion waves to create advantages in lane. Yumi Sin excels at freezing waves to deny the enemy experience and gold, while Kitty can roam and gank other lanes with her ultimate. Mastering wave management allows Yumi Sin and Kitty to dominate their lane and create opportunities for kills and objectives.

Jungle Pathing

Jungle pathing refers to the route taken by Kitty in the jungle. Choosing the optimal path allows her to farm efficiently, gank lanes, and secure objectives. Yumi Sin and Kitty can coordinate their jungle pathing to maximize their impact on the game.

For example, Kitty can gank top lane while Yumi Sin freezes the wave bot lane, creating a numbers advantage in both lanes.

Objective Control

Objective control involves securing important objectives such as dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor. Yumi Sin and Kitty can use their mobility and crowd control to contest objectives and secure them for their team. By controlling objectives, they can gain vision, map pressure, and economic advantages, leading to a significant impact on the game’s outcome.

Final Conclusion

By mastering the techniques Artikeld in this guide, you can elevate your gameplay with Yumi Sin and Kitty. From optimizing item builds and rune choices to executing effective combos and advanced strategies, this comprehensive resource equips you with the knowledge and skills to unleash the true power of this dynamic duo and conquer the Summoner’s Rift.


What are the key characteristics of Yumi Sin’s snake?

Yumi Sin’s snake possesses piercing attacks, crowd control abilities, and grants her bonus attack speed.

How can I maximize Kitty’s effectiveness in gameplay?

Focus on timing, positioning, and target selection to enhance Kitty’s healing, shielding, and crowd control abilities.

What are the key synergies between Yumi Sin and Kitty?

They synergize through attack speed bonuses, crowd control combos, and damage amplification, allowing them to dominate team fights.

How can I counter Yumi Sin and Kitty?

Exploit their vulnerability to burst damage and crowd control by selecting champions with high burst potential and area-of-effect abilities.

What is the optimal skill leveling order for Yumi Sin and Kitty?

For Yumi Sin, prioritize her snake’s abilities to enhance her damage output. For Kitty, focus on her healing and shielding abilities to maximize her support potential.

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About the Author: Jason